Classroom Supports

Special Education Supervision
- Knowledgeable of special education federal and state mandates
- Provides special education consultant to district personnel, parents, and other stakeholders
- Serves as a liaison between parents, district personnel, and outside agencies
- Provides professional development to build district personnel’s knowledge of special education
- Assists district with reports to the Ohio Department of Education
- Completes student observations to assist with developing the evaluation team report and appropriate classroom interventions
- Customizes support for special education staff and programs
- Personalizes attention to district-specific concerns or questions

Classrooms for Students with Disabilities
- Two cross categorical classrooms in Tiffin, Ohio - Intermediate classroom (grades 5-9) and High School program (grades 9-12)
- Provides structured environment with various center-based hands-on activities designed to engage students in learning
- Lessons are designed based on the extended standards and differentiated to meet individual needs of students
- Focus on academics, social skills training, sensory needs, language acquisition, and life skills
- Instruction purposefully planned to lead students to independence

Behavior Specialist
- Observes students with severe behavior problems in various settings
- Collaborates with district staff and parents to identify specific problem areas
- Completes a functional behavior assessment to determine the student's motivation for the behavior
- Develops and presents behavior plans for the district staff to follow
- Follows up with the district staff on progress
- Collects and graphs data if requested
- Provides professional development

Intervention Specialist
- Writes the student's individual educational program (IEP) in collaboration with general education teachers and related services personnel
- Works collaboratively with general education teachers to develop classroom intervention strategies and modify assignments
- Communicates regularly with parents and professional staff regarding the educational, social, and personal needs of the student
- Assists each student in working toward independence

Emotional and Behavioral Supports
- Two classrooms in Tiffin, Ohio for Primary and Secondary-aged students
- Provides students a small classroom environment to promote success both academically and emotionally
- Purposeful, direct instruction to meet each student at their level
- Overall goal is to prepare the student to transition back to their home school district
- Provides all related services on-site (occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language therapy, etc...)

- Performs basic hearing and vision screenings
- Coordinates and conducts immunization audits
- Renders first aide to ill and injured students
- Follows protocols and safety precautions on health issues
- Performs and/or monitors a variety of health related services to children
- Assists students with medication as prescribed by a physician
- Maintains appropriate communication with district personnel and parents/guardians regarding student health status
- Writes individual health plans for students with on-going health issues
- Inspects and evaluates children and school personnel for communicable diseases
- Oversees health aides
- Specifically focuses on the health needs in the district

Health Attendants
- Attendants are licensed practical nurses (LPN) who provide support for students with significant health concerns that require a health attendant to be with the student throughout the school day.
- Health attendants are supervised by Health Consultants who are registered nurses (RN).

Adapted Physical Education (APE)
- Provides individualized physical education instruction or services to students with exceptional physical needs due to gross motor developmental delays or other impairments
- Collaborates with physical education teachers and intervention specialists on developing instruction
- Completes various sections of initial and re-evaluations when needed
- Assists with writing IEP
- Advocates for students

- These aides assist teachers in classrooms with monitoring students’ academic understanding, providing addition assistance with student focus.